Grace of God… Again

Plate of Reality
3 min readNov 18, 2020

From my last blog, I’m sure it may have seemed a little depressing. While things have been a struggle, God has truly been showing grace in my life.

This is the last week of residential classes before I go back home for the semester. I am beyond excited to see friends and family again. I haven’t really been home in about 7 months. I had a job in another area through the initial quarantine and was not able to spend much time home.

One thing I am super excited for is to see people. I love my church! I have been calling and video calling people for the past however many months. Doing things in person like having a meal and conversation will be so refreshing. I also can’t wait to see my mom and dad. They are both very supportive, helpful, and loving in my life.

Another thing I’m excited for is the weather. I’m excited for the snow and the cold. While the past few years haven’t been too snowy, I sure am hoping for some good flurries. To be honest, I’m so excited for New York weather I just looked up the broadcast for the next two months well-knowing that it is highly inaccurate considering the time it could change.

I know this is basically the same stuff I wrote about a year ago when I was still excited for home, but this semester has clearly been a challenge and a half. This coming break would be the first break Liberty students will have gotten all semester. We are all equally prepared to take a break and eat a lot of home cooked food.

On top of excitement, I have set a few goals for myself over the break. Goal #1: Get out of the house as often as I can, whether it’s grabbing coffee with a friend, spending the day doing yard work, etc. Goal #2: Truly relax and recuperate from this semester instead of stressing myself out. Goal #3: Read… a lot. I have had some time to read what I want to this semester but the break should offer a whole lot of time to be able to do so.

Speaking of reading, I am currently reading through a book called Transforming Grace by Jerry Bridges. I recommend this book to any believer. Specifically believers who struggle with legalism. This book has helped open my eyes to what God’s grace really is. Grace is not a deal or something based on merit; one of the main focuses in the book. It’s worth a read if you have the time.

A small update from my last blog; I am doing a lot better. Now I’m physically tired instead of mentally or spiritually which is great! Ironically, I kind of enjoy physical fatigue. God has blessed me with a peacefulness I am so thankful for. He keeps showing His grace. Just the other day, I was walking to class and the weather was perfect. Grace of God. I also had zero awkward interactions that made me feel like a weird little human being. Grace of God. I was also able to listen to soundtracks on my walk back from class and enjoy the fine weather even more. Grace of God.

God’s grace continues to shine through any situation or time of struggle. Thank you for your prayers and concerns. I pray that you all find the peace God offers to you daily.



Plate of Reality

My name is James DuVall III. I am a Christian and full-time college student attending Liberty University. I enjoy writing about religion, psychology and life.