The Abundance of My Heart

What is Discipline?

Plate of Reality
3 min readFeb 5, 2021

Abraham Lincoln said, “Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.”

The past few weeks have been challenging. Getting used to classes and their unusual formats has been interesting but somewhat enjoyable. One thing that God has been challenging me with is looking to the future. Not what career I plan on getting or where I decide to move after college. But what my relationship with Him will look like. Ten years from now, what do I want my relationship with Jesus to look like to myself and others?

I came across Abraham Lincoln’s quote on discipline a few days ago and found it to be extremely thought-provoking yet encouraging. Discipline used to be a complicated definition in my head. “How do I obtain discipline?” I would ask myself. This quote made it all the more simple.

I unquestionably want my relationship with God to be growing and a lot stronger in ten years than what it is now. So how do I get from point A to point B? As Lincoln said, I must choose between what I want NOW and what I want MOST. If I want a stronger spiritual relationship most, I have to chose to spend time studying God’s word and set apart time in prayer. I have to be involved in a local church, whether it may be at home in New York or here in Virginia. I have to be discipled and challenged. After reflecting on what is required for spiritual growth, how does one know what he wants most from what he wants now? It all comes down to the heart I suppose.

Luke 6:45 says, “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (ESV). Jesus said this in the context of bad fruit and good fruit. There is a clear distinction between good and evil. The same goes for people, including myself. Desiring a stronger relationship with Christ is certainly a good thing and desiring objects or other people over God is evil. So if the abundance of my heart is good, I should desire and consistently choose a stronger relationship with God. But if the abundance of my heart is evil, I would choose other things over God with the same amount of consistency.

So, what do I want most and what do I want now? I may want to hang out with friends now but there is always that reminder that I want to spend time with God most. I may want to sleep or take a nap now but spending solid time in prayer is what I want most. Jesus Christ is an everyday decision and He longs to be chosen.

I previously mentioned that I ask myself, “How do I obtain discipline?” In reality, discipline is not a character trait. It’s not something that is obtained. It literally comes down to a choice. And that choice gets easier and easier out of habit. The first time one chooses between what he wants now and what he wants most will be difficult, but as he continues to chose what he wants most, the decision slowly becomes uncomplicated and simple.

Having these understandings, it has been easier to choose Christ in daily decisions and disciplines. God has a plan and I happen to be in it. I am honored to be a part of it and excited to witness His leadership and hand in my future relationship with Him. And now I begin the seemingly long journey into the next ten years.



Plate of Reality

My name is James DuVall III. I am a Christian and full-time college student attending Liberty University. I enjoy writing about religion, psychology and life.